Nintendo Switch non avrà una beta

Nintendo Switch non avrà una beta, contrariamente a quanto questi messaggi inviati via email vorrebbero far credere a dei malcapitati destinatari.

Questo il messaggio inviato da qualche malintenzionato:


Congratulation! You are eligible to join the Nintendo Switch™ Beta Program! You are chosen, which means you can get into the Nintendo Switch Beta!

You will receive the Nintendo Switch Beta Hardware which includes 1 System, 1 Docking Station, 2 Switch Controller (Left and Right) HDMI cable, 1 power adaptor, as well as instruction booklet.

Below, you will find a code to redeem. Please note: This code is specifically for your account, so do not share this with anyone.

Occhio, quindi, perché Nintendo non ha imbastito alcuna beta per la sua imminente console Switch.

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