World of Final Fantasy: la patch 1.03

Square Enix ha pubblicato quest’oggi la patch 1.03 di World of Final Fantasy, lo spin-off chibi dell’amata serie ruolistica.

Tra le novità troviamo la possibilità di saltare le scene delle evocazioni, un po’ più lunghe, durante le battaglie e una varietà di correttivi alla responsività dei comandi in combattimento.

Date un’occhiata al changelog completo di seguito:

  • Skip function for battle scenes added – Press the circle button to skip summons scenes such as Mega Mirage summons and Champion summons.
  • “Fast Forward” setting added to settings – Enable fast forward for battles and events through an input in the settings.
  • Battle response improvements – ATB bar fill conditions for standard encounters have improved, and you can input commands quicker than before.
  • “Sephiroth,” “Balthier,” and “Sora” added to battle BGM settings – If you have their corresponding Champion Medals, you’ll be able to choose their battle BGMs.
  • “Random” added to battle BGM.
  • HP and AP recovers at gates, save points, and when each chapter saves.

Fonte: Gematsu


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